marathon re-hash

Hooray! A brand new look for my diary. You like?

I have so much catching up to do. The Anchorage Marathon is over, and I finished, but good God it was hard! I mean really really difficult. And it's only been within this past week that I'm starting to feel as though I've recovered. The top of my left foot was aching for weeks.

Around Mile 24 I was ready to quit. If there had been a taxi, I'd have taken it.

That's a good business idea, set yourself up as a taxi service during marathons. Hang out with popsicles and a nice air-conditioned cab around Mile 24 and tell the runners you'll drive them to the finish line. Just make sure you get their money fast and then skip town because they'll hate you for it soon enough.

I would do a half-marathon again, but I don't think I'll do a full again. As I've been telling everyone, a marathon is a really stupid thing to do to your body.

By the way, I finished in 7 hours and 54 minutes. As Rita Rudner says "I don't like to do things that feel good for [7 hours and 54 minutes]!"

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