I'm Going to Run the Seattle Half-Marathon!

I have officially lost my mind. I am going to run the Seattle Half-Marathon on Dec. 1st.

It's something I have considered doing for a long time, through an incredible program called Team In Training. They're a fundraising arm of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and what they do is train people to participate in endurance sport activities, while collecting money to aid Leukemia research. Chris' cousin did it, that's how I first heard of it. Then the brother of an online friend did it, and I thought "God, that would be an incredible experience." Six months ago there was an informational meeting, but it looked like I would be too busy at the time of the event (the Alaska Half-Marathon).

So, I kept an eye on them, and they on me, through their mailing list. Turns out there's a Seattle Marathon, with an accompanying Half-Marathon, in December. I went to the informational meeting last night and signed up! It was so inspiring, so motivating, I don't know how anyone there could NOT sign up.

I have to raise $1400, minimum. No problem. I can do that. And I have to train. THAT is going to be the challenging part. I'm the heaviest I've ever been and have lousy aerobic capability.

But you know what? I need a challenge. I need to test myself. With something hard, but rewarding. I can do this. I know I can.

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