Waking Up a Mile Away from Home

Whoops! Forgot to log any entries for the last few days. Oh well. I still exercised. Except for yesterday, Sunday, which is my rest day.

Turns out, when you're training for an endurance activity, you gotta build in some rest days. They're very important, as they're the days when your body builds and repairs muscle. Though, I gotta admit, I felt a little "ooky" with no exercise yesterday. That's a good thing, though!

I purchased a water bottle pack. It's a tight fitting one that holds the bottle at an angle. Supposedly makes it easier to grab while you're running. Some of my longer runs say "BYOW", so I want to be prepared.

Here's something I already knew but is becoming clearer as I do this: I gotta get up and do that run first thing. Before breakfast, before coffee, before anything. Dive into those workout clothes and GO.


Before anyone else is up!

Why? Because the further the day progresses, the more opportunities to NOT workout crop up. If I hurl myself out the door right away, I'll probably end up doing like my husband did, and "waking up a mile away from home".

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