Fundraising letters going out.

I ran today without piriformis acting up, so that's good. Now there's just the problem of being an incredibly slow and lousy runner who gets winded really really fast. HA!

Well, all I can do is keep going and keep trying. Maybe I'll have the slowest time ever for the Seattle Half-Marathon, but by golly I will FINISH IT!

Sent out my first batch of fundraising letters yesterday. Eleven of 'em, to be precise. They were to my closest family members. Get them taken care of first! Then I also gave three to some of my folks who do my hair and nails. I don't know if I'll get a response,but, hey, you gotta try! People say you end up being surprised by who gives and who doesn't with things like this. They can't donate if I don't let 'em know what I'm doing, so I just gotta do it. I think it's probably good practice for if/when I need to sell or market something. Like myself.

Click here to see my running page.

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