
Wow! I ran a 13.2 minute mile!

Several of them, in fact. Today was our second Team Training "long run" event. We run a long run every Saturday.

Well, last week I was happy to do 3.9 miles in 60 minutes. That was just approaching a 15 minute mile. And that was fast for me, so I was happy. Even though some of the fitness walkers were going faster than I was...I was still happy!

Today I did 5 miles in 66 minutes.

Aiee! I kept checking my watch and checking around me and asking other people to make sure it was true. I kept looking behind me wondering where the fast fitness walkers were. I couldn't see 'em. Had they passed me? Nope. I just went that much faster.


It was the coolest thing in the world. I'm improving. That getting up and walking fast and running is actually paying off.

It was funny, too, because when I started the run I felt like I was going really slowly and I couldn't pull it together. My legs were a bit heavy, I couldn't really run, and I thought "Well, I guess I won't be breaking any time records today. But I'll just make sure I get the miles in. I gotta lose some weight. That's probably what's slowing me down."

Then, when I did the first mile, I thought "Okay, let's see if we can't at least hit 15 minutes for this second mile." So I pushed myself. I thought "When I see that half mile marker I'll hope I'm at seven and a half minutes...then I'll know that I'm on track for that 15 minute mile." Well the 1/2 mile marker never showed! Crap! Have I missed it? I think I'm moving at a pretty good clip...I must have missed it. Then I see the 2 mile marker coming up. Wait a minute. Its only been 13 minutes. That can't be right. I... oh my god, did I just break a 14 minute mile?

Yep, I did. And I even averaged it.

I had been told by a friend who runs occasionally that it takes his body a good mile/mile and a half to warm up and cooperate. Apparently that's what mine did today. Once my body said "Okay, I get it. We're running." things went great.

I am SO proud of me.

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