
Tsk, tsk, tsk. Nearly two weeks since my last entry. How sad. But, I think that will change. I just kicked the SCRAWL habit. Well, I bailed. I hope I can stay quit. That place is really toxic for me. It will be quite interesting to see if some of my tension disappears when I stay away from it. I'll bet it does!

Got a bit of catching up to do on my running. I missed two team runs in a row, but I did one on my own. Anyway, I'm starting to work out at my gym M-F and I am going to make most of the team runs from here on out so I think I'm going to be just fine. My goal is still to run the Seattle Half-Marathon in less than 3 hours. I don't think I could do that just yet. But if I push the second half of my training I know I can do it.

My fundraising has gone GREAT. I've raised $3500, and I only needed to do $1400. Hell, I should have gone to Honolulu! HA!

More writing to come in the days ahead. Glad to be back. I love Diaryland. Maybe because it doesn't talk back?

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