I'll take "Things that start with 'S' for 0, please, Alex"

One of the many great things about training for this event is the terrific trails we run on. Today we did a team-training at the Sammamish River Trail. It's a great place, we start at Marymoor Park. For some reason it's a really fast path for me. Maybe because it's real flat and smooth and nice. I always log really good times there.

But also nice are the views you encounter. On some trails I see herons coming in for landings, on others I see actual sea planes come in on Union Lake. That last few times I've run along the Sammamish River I've seen salmon leap clear out of the water and then land with a big splash. Today was no exception, and shortly after it happened I saw a Springer Spaniel come tearing through the brush, barking it's head off at the leaping fish. Very funny. About 1/3 of a mile later, I saw a seagull paddling away. Wow. Maybe I should call him a river gull? Then it hit me. Salmon, Spring Spaniel, Seagull, Sammamish. Ha! Very alliterative day. Quite amusing, I love alliteration.

Apparently God does, too, because three miles later I saw:

A sofa.

In the river!

Salmon, Springer Spaniel, Seagull, sofa.

Good one, God. You got me.

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