Tomorrow is My Race

Tomorrow is my race.

I have been SO keyed up these last few days. Thanksgiving was a lot of fun, but I was so amped on the concept of my race being in three days that it was hard to squeeze the idea of Thanksgiving into my brain.

My younger sister is here with her husband this weekend. We're having a good time. They're going to see my off on my race tomorrow morning, and see me in, too. They they fly back to Philly. I'm glad they're here. I wish everyone was coming. I mean my whole family from around the country.

I hope I do well.

What would define "well"? Finishing, not getting injured, and in under 3 hrs and 15 mins. In that order. Descending.

My son is doing the kids marathon. He ran the first 25 miles at home, and he runs the last 1.2 outside tomorrow. I won't be there to see him do it. I hope he doesn't get lost, he's running alone!

Today we go to the "expo" and get our numbers, and our shoe chips (to get our official times), and our finishers shirts. Cool. Can't wait. Then we go to the pasta party and carb up. Woo hoo!

This has been so awesome. I can't wait. Tomorrow can't come soon enough. I'm jumpy. Wanna bust out of that gate. Let's go!

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