Catching up

Auggh! A TEN DAY lapse between entries! Naughty, naughty me. I kept feeling like I didn't have anything to say, but the less I write the less I have to say.

I DIDN'T do my six miles in Philly! Big surprise, right? Well, part of it was because I had stayed out late the night before drinking and eating a lot and when I woke up that morning I realized I had forgotten my jog bra. So, I felt kinda hungover and yucky, but even if I did have the nerve to attempt my run I still would have had to run in my regular bra, and then worn that around all day. NO DICE.

So, I tried to run when I got home on Sunday. Did about two miles, but after a weekend of extreme heat in Philly and a trying six hour flight home, I wasn't up for more. Ah well.

Today I did seven miles. My time was over a 15 minute mile, and I feel really really tired now. But hey, I did it and I survived, right? That's what counts.

My goal for the day of the race is to do it in 3 hours or less. What does that translate to as far as an average mile? Let's go get the calculator:

Crap. I can't figure out how to do the math. If I run a 15 minute mile that's 4 m.p.h. If I do a 12 minute mile, that's 5 mph. Ack. I'm so lame. Somebody message me and tell me what my average speed would be if I did 13.1 miles in 3 hours. I'm still out of it from my run this morning and my brain won't do math. EMBARRASSING!

Okay, wait. I'd be going 4.3 mph. So what is the avg. time per mile? Man, I can't figure out what to do. I'm gonna ask my daughter, who's going into sixth grade. I'll bet she knows. God, I want to die of embarrasment.

She didn't know either.

Now my sister just called. She couldn't figure it either. (Though, in her defense, I must say that she was outside at a busy concert venue and she didn't exactly have a chance to calculate.)

Eureka! There's a web site that calculates this stuff! Conway Running Minutes Per Mile Calculator! HA HA! I'm going to have to average a 13:44 minute mile or better if I want to do this in less that 3 hours.

I can do that!

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