Carbs 'R' Us

Well, chalk one up for science.

I was having some BIG weight problems. Still am, but things had gone crazy. So I said "okay, I'm gonna try the Atkins diet". And I did. For three days. Now for me, that's a long time. Three days of NOT cheating on a diet. It was fun, it was really satisfying, and I LOST FIVE POUNDS OF WATER WEIGHT ON THE FIRST DAY!

I had been eating SO MANY CARBS during this marathon training. I was doing the PowerBars, the PowerGels, all of it. Stuffing 'em in. You'd have thought I was an elite marathon runner. Well, I was eating like one. But I was only fast-walking a 15 minute mile. So, naturally, I was gaining weight.

Well, here's the lesson I learned: No carbs = no endurance.

I did eight miles last Saturday in 2 hours. Nothing mind-boggling, but I was keeping up with my steady improvement. It was good for me. Today (Saturday) I also had to do 8 miles. IT TOOK ME TWO HOURS AND 16 MINUTES!!!!

My numbers are NOT supposed to go in that direction. The four miles out were slow, I couldn't run, but I could still do a brisk walk. Okay, fine. But about a mile into the walk back I was DONE. Couldn't even walk fast. Totally ran out of gas. THat's never happened to me before.

So, maybe Atkins after the marathon. Or maybe just all things in moderation.

Hmm. What a concept.

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